Thursday, April 21, 2016

Radio Wehrwolf - 4/20/2016

Dion interviewed Patrick Derek Fox to discussed his plan to take back the United States. Then Dion flies solo to go over the National Socialist's 25 Point Plan, National Socialism vs. Fascism, Is NS left or right, and more... 

Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.

Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site

*The Holocaust Hoax Mega-post


Negentropic said...

Won't work in the USA and probably not even in Europe. Why? Hitler's name can never be fully cleared of the biggest avalanche of lies in history until after freedom of speech and freedom of choice have been fully restored, until AFTER a revolution has already taken place. Right now, without access to mass-media and only stuck on the internet, the most people who can realize Hitler was lied about more than any other human being in history, is around 1 million people or all of Alex Jones's you tube subscribers and even that will be no easy task.

What will work in the USA and everywhere else is NIOF & IFDOVNIOF - the Non Initiation Of Force principle which every human who wants follows the golden rule or "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," understands. It does not require understanding anything else but the most basic tenet of more-all-ity. And Immediate Forceful Defense Of all Violations of the Non-Initation-Of-Force principle, the only more-all use of force.

But the WN's want to have to their cake and eat it too, so they throw out their only chance at leading the masses which is through this principle only, easily understood by all humans, even total illiterates. They only argue in "libertarian" terms when it serves their agendas and interests and stupidly think that nobody has spotted their lack of principle and scoundrelism. Wrong. Even the dumbest person who's not retarded can spot a glaring contradiction in someone's argument. If someone was really for "freedom," then they would never be against NIOF and IFDOVNIOF, but the WN's are, or only for NIOF among "white people," ascribing different more-all-ities to different races and ethnicities which seals their doom as far as the sympathy of anyone but racists is concerned, but they're too busy with their circle-jerk and patting each other on the back to realize they are completely powerless.

Negentropic said...

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." "No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." -- Thomas Jefferson to Francis Gilmer, 1816

End of story: NIOF and IDOVNIOF is all that anyone needs to work towards, period.

"It is not often possible to say of those acts that are called vices, that they really are vices, except in degree. That is, it is difficult to say of any actions, or courses of action, that are called vices, that they really would have been vices, if they had stopped short of a certain point. The question of virtue or vice, therefore, in all such cases, is a question of quantity and degree, and not of the intrinsic character of any single act, by itself. This fact adds to the difficulty, not to say the impossibility, of any one's — except each individual for himself — drawing any accurate line, or anything like any accurate line, between virtue and vice — that is, of telling where virtue ends, and vice begins. And this is another reason why this whole question of virtue and vice should be left for each person to settle for himself." -- Lysander Spooner, "Vices Are Not Crimes, A Vindication Of Moral Liberty"

"To know what actions are virtuous, and what vicious --- in other words, to know what actions tend, on the whole, to happiness, and what to unhappiness --- in the case of each and every man, in each and all the conditions in which they may severally be placed, is the profoundest and most complex study to which the greatest human mind ever has been, or ever can be, directed. It is, nevertheless, the constant study to which each and every man --- the humblest in intellect as well as the greatest --- is necessarily driven by the desires and necessities of his own existence. It is also the study in which each and every person, from his cradle to his grave, must necessarily form his own conclusions; because no one else knows or feels, or can know or feel, as he knows and feels, the desires and necessities, the hopes, and fears, and impulses of his own nature, or the pressure of his own circumstances." ~ Lysander Spooner, "Vices Are Not Crimes, A Vindication Of Moral Liberty"

Negentropic said...


Better with the added 'F.' Immediate Forceful Defense of Violations of the Non Initiation of Force principle. Which, for us becomes even easier to remember because of the letters Dov (Zakheim) being part of the acronym.