Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Realist Report with John Friend 8/12/2017

John was recently a guest on Truth Cat Radio, a radio network that he had never heard of prior to being invited on. A man named Richard Kary, who hosts a program called Beyond The Matrix, emailed John and invited him on after discovering his website. John agreed to participate not really knowing too much about Richard or the radio network he broadcasts on, and it turned out to be a rather interesting discussion. Frankly, these guys didn't know what they were in for!         Show-page

*9-11 Fast and Furious
*The New Babylon Those who reign supreme - free PDF

1 comment:

1melahat said...

Great interview, John pulled no punches on these wimps! In the last 10 seconds of the interview the host says we wants to have John back again and then suddenly the jew licker station manager barges in and tells him John is never coming back and scolds the host! Oy vey, shut it down!