Monday, May 30, 2016

Is the Transformation of Europe Going According to the Script?

Some German Internet users noted in their comments that even a first year student should have enough common sense and knowledge of the world to see the threat coming with the wave of migrants flooding Europe and posing the risk of smuggling ISIS cells. They conclude that either we are ruled by complete idiots, or our leaders play their roles in the scenario.
About six months ago, I wrote the article about the so-called ‘moderate rebels’ who will return to Europe where unthreatened by the Russian Army raids they will be able to peacefully continue the mission begun in the Middle East. However for some reason European civilians will become their target.
‘It’s hard to believe that a terrorist who leaves Paris, London, Brussels, or Boston, or Australia and arrives in Syria without a visa, without a passport, through dozens of states and the Turkish-Syrian or Jordanian-Syrian border, has done so without intelligence services overseeing these operations’
***Read full article here*** 

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