Sunday, August 21, 2016

Texe Marrs Podcast 8/12/2016 - A Texe Marrs exclusive report

Why do the jewish elite work so diligently and with such cruel intent to master the world and to subjugate its people? Are these jews possessed by devils? Are they psychopaths? Are they consumed with power-lust and an inordinate and all-obsessive love of money? Aren't the trillions they've already stolen enough for them? Do they derive pleasure from the blood and horrors of war? Are they sadists who enjoy inflicting great pain on innocent victims? In killing the helpless, are the they, in fact, honoring Lucifer by literally conducting open-air human sacrifices? Do the Scriptures provide us insight into their grotesque motives and crimes?

*The New Babylon Those who reign supreme - PDF

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