Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Realist Report with John Friend 8/29/2016

John returns to the airwaves after a lengthy break to discuss what he’s been up to with his good friend Sean Daly. John also gave readers and listeners some updates on what to expect from The Realist Report going forward. John and Sean then delved into some current events, including the latest in the 2016 presidential election and the rise of the Alt Right. The concepts of media fakery and psychological warfare were addressed as well as the need for honest, independent media outlets. It should be clear to all at this point that the media is the number one weapon in the arsenal of the Jews and globalist elites pushing for the destruction of national sovereignty, White genocide, and a New World Order. Finally, John argues that the Jewish question remains the number one issue facing humanity. It is an issue that must be addressed uncompromisingly and honestly if we are ever going to solve any of the problems afflicting the White Western world and indeed all of humanity.                Show-page

*Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks
*The Notorious Banned FOX 9/11/2001 News Footage Israeli Mossad Links
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11 
*9-11/Israel did it
*9/11 Analysis with David Chandler

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