Monday, November 7, 2016

Texe Marrs Podcast 10/28/2016 - America Babylon—The Perverse Goblin of Homosexual Deviltry

A “goblin” is an impish, satanic creature of the night. Every historical empire based on the superiority and uprising of homosexual men and women has eventually fallen. Sodom and Gomorrah is the biblical example. Now, the U.S.A. leads the world in its homosexual evil, even exalting the transgenders and promoting a crass form of black magic and Baphomet wizardry through fake, same-sex “marriage.” America has no shame, but instead prides itself on degrading Christian lives while exalting gay deviltry. This leads to satanic corruption and wicked cesspools of subhuman behavior.

*9-11 Fast and Furious
*The New Babylon Those who reign supreme - free PDF

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