Friday, September 29, 2017

Radio Wehrwolf - 9/28/2017

Dion brought some tremendous white pills with a recent Reuters poll on people racial leanings, and then an Antifa manual. Which outlines their 100 years plan to take over America and the world.

Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site

*Criminal Conspiracy to Genocide Whites 
*9-11 Fast and Furious


BillyBob said...

I love Dion, He's done some amazing work!

But there is no "source" for this Antifa manual, no trademark, no logo .. no sing of identification whatsoever.

I could have made the entire manual up in 1 hour.

Documents like this are "unusable"! Without a "source" .. it is just some guy in his underwear at his mamma's house with an acer pc!

Without a source, it's just words, and inadmissible as evidence to anyone who still thinks!

BillyBob said...

So I can say type up a manifesto for people fighting "White Genocide" .. and publish it, as long as it looks like these are the aims of White Genocide groups - and it will be accepted as proof, and then copied to hundreds of liberal web sites?

The Libtards will then say it's "Authentic", because it obviously states the aims of the Nazi White Privileged!

If a document has no source, it is just someone in their underwear in Mom's basement, creating their truth. That does not make it Authentic!

It only makes repeaters of the un-sourced document Morons!