Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1/23/2018

Rae West – Was Hitler An Agent: How The Master Race Won The Second World War


*Russia celebrates 71st anniversary of WW-2 jew victory
*9-11 Fast and Furious
*The Holocaust Hoax Mega-post

1 comment:

WWS said...

There is a big difference between being profiled -- that reactions can be ascertained within a range of probability -- and being an agent.

Adolf Hitler was surrounded by traitors, many created earlier by intra-NSDAP activity. His primary mistake was Barbarossa, which was due to being fed phony intelligence as to Russian strength and intentions. This he acknowledged in "Table Talks" during the war.

Elimination of Jew influence was simply too large a task, particularly when early on Hitler did not fully realize that both Britain and America were effectively Jew satraps. Dunkirk was not taken mainly due to this, per his profile.